Kelly Hoppen on uudistanut nettisivujaan. Uusien sivujen myötä on myös avattu nettikauppa, joka toimitaa Kellyn tyylikkäitä tuotteita ympäri maailmaa. Nettisivut on toteutettu todella tyylikkästi ja inspiroivasti. Sivut on täynä kauniita kuvia, inspiraatiofilmejä ja sisustusvinkkejä. Viikonloppuna pitääkin perehtyä näihin sivuihin vielä tarkemmin. Tähän juttuun keräsin teille inspiraatiota makuuhuoneen sisustukseen.
For me the design of the bedroom should be all about creating calm and harmony. It's the room that relaxes you and comforts you whilst you fall to sleep, and it's the space you then awaken in to begin a new day. Whether you are waking up or going to sleep, calmness is essential to enjoy both, and is crucial to the bedroom's design.
Indeed, no room is more central to your wellbeing and comfort, and absolutely everything in it should be designed to please your senses. It is your sanctuary to create, and the emphasis on everything within this particular space really must be on luxury. You don't have to accommodate others, the bedroom is all about you - your comfort and your calm.
More so than other rooms, the bedroom requires you to bring in plenty of fabrics - cushions, bedspreads and throws - in order to build layers of harmonious elegance and texture. Whilst changing bedspreads and cushions can be the quickest and easiest way to transform the look and mood of the bedroom, it's easy to forget that bedrooms are about much more than what meets the eyes.
Bedrooms are very much about how they feel to you, both emotionally. When you walk in to the bedroom it should draw you in and feel comforting and warm. These feelings can be created by the choice of textures you use on your bed, the linen and the cushions and colours you choose. Be sure to take care over these details.
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